Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

No, I'm not auditioning for a new job...

Being someone prone to carry ALL my groceries at one time, I've had my divorce from paper grocery bags long ago. They inevitably break on me. I realize that it's partially my fault - my fault of trying to make one efficient trip from parking lot to apartment.

I've realized that the folks at the local Trader Joes's and Whole Foods tend to give me a look when I insist on plastic. Joke's on you, hippie liberal grocery dudes. Turns out my choice of plastic over paper may not be so bad after all.

"The making of paper can waste many thousands of gallons of water, as can the recycling of paper. The human and mechanical efforts and costs are very high, not forgetting the physical cost to loggers and those who work around the numerous chemicals. Plastic is, by comparison, efficient and low energy to produce, and, easily and efficiently recycled. Plastic reduces, recycles marvelously, and in that, is reused. After contrasting the efforts behind the making of paper and plastic, it is our unbiased opinion that plastic is indeed more beneficial to the environment, in that it is less harmful. The next time you are asked the dreaded question, "Paper or plastic?", you can answer knowing that you are making the informed choice."
And yes I reuse and recycle them, thank you for asking.

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