Sunday, November 23, 2008

More great new music

Cover of Cover of The Family Afloat
Bound Stems - Happens To Us All Otherwise: These guys are serious cerebral musicians, sometimes to their detriment. Most of the tracks on their new album, The Family Afloat, stray from traditional song patterns, which produces the effect of wondering where the song is going. Regardless, they are an awesome band, reminiscent of Bright Eyes (though less whiney) and Arcade Fire (though much less epic from my standpoint).

Apse - From the North. These Cape Codders churn out some great modern instrumental psychedelia. They share some musical similarities to Deerhunter, another great new band I'm enjoying right now. I had a hard time finding this tune in particular, so check out Shade of the Moor.

Sigur Ros - Gobbeldegook. I had the pleasure of seeing Sigor Ros this past fall, and it was one of the most enjoyable concerts of the year for me. They closed with this song, full of energy and emotion. Great way to finish a concert. And, if you're like me, you won't care that you have no figgin' idea what they're talking about.

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