Thursday, May 8, 2008

When consumers realize your company has no soul: Part II

I wrote about Unilever's brand contradiction exposure back in November 2007, and I'm sorry to say that the good people at this Dutch-Anglo conglomerate are running into issues about brand disingenuousness (is that a word?) again.

Advertising Age has reported one whistle-blowing Photoshopper telling all about how he made the "real" models from the "Real Beauty" campaign, well, less real. Here's the link for more detail.

I'm not crying out against Photoshopping of consumer advertising images per se, but at the continued evidence of a company not standing by it's messaging. Sending a fabricated yet deeply moving message about self-esteem under the guise of "real" conveys to consumers that one is only out to make a buck. That, my friends, is an unsustainable proposition, especially in a consumer atmosphere where transparency and genuineness are paramount.