Saturday, November 3, 2007

Does this make me look fat?

For eons, man has been forced to deal with this awkward question. It’s fraught with disaster, and can turn a hot dinner date into night of eating Hot Pockets and watching Cops reruns alone. Finally, we may have an accurate answer.

We’ve all been asked it. The proper answer is always “No,” and this is true for a very clear reason. I don’t think clothing can make a person actually look fat. You either are or you aren’t.

Well, I think it's time to admit that I was wrong. There actually is an article of clothing that can make you look fat. They are termed “babydoll shirts” (photo below), but to me, this pseudo-maternity wear deserves a different title. Pregger shirts.

To women of the world – congratulations. You now have the answer that you were passively looking for.